By Bethany Krepela, LPGM Development Director

Four of Oak Knoll’s students live at Siloam Boarding Home, which houses nearly 500 girls ages 5 through 18. Here, Meenatchi, Saraswathi, and Swathi pose with artwork from OK Sunday School students.
In February, I visited India with a Lutheran Partners in Global Ministry (LPGM) travel group. I had the pleasure of hand delivering drawings and letters created by your Sunday School students last November to some of your congregation’s 10 sponsored students.
These students are mostly Hindu and Dalit – or “Untouchables” (the lowest of the caste system). Most of their parents are day laborers, working as migrant farmers. Poverty, malnutrition, child labor, and child marriage sadly are common among this people group. The pandemic intensified these conditions.
Our Lutheran partners in India manage the boarding homes and schools, while your sponsorship gives students an opportunity to enjoy safe housing, nutritious food, and healthcare, allowing them access to quality education. Here, they are building a brighter future than ever experienced by generations before them. And they hear the Gospel daily.
Earlier this year, Oak Knoll’s Sunday school students learned about LPGM and drew pictures to be mailed to the students in India. These students loved seeing and posing with your children’s artwork. Just look at the smiles on their faces, as they realize that you are praying for them and allowing them this opportunity from halfway around the world!
As they are taking their year-end exams and preparing to leave on April 2 for summer break, would you take a moment to pray for them, and if you are so moved, to drop them a line of encouragement? They pray for you (twice) daily during their morning and evening prayers!
May God bless you and your congregation richly for investing in these young lives. Bethany Krepela serves LPGM as Development Director.
LPGM provides access to quality education for people at the margins–especially women and girls. We work together with global partners to listen, respond and bear witness to local needs and priorities. Current partners include faith-based organizations in the CAR, Guatemala, India, and Tanzania. Learn more at
Are you and your family interested in sponsoring your own student? Visit Sponsor a Student — Lutheran Partners in Global Ministry to learn how $40 a month can change a life.