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National Quilting Day

Writer: Oak Knoll Lutheran ChurchOak Knoll Lutheran Church

Updated: Feb 24

March 18th, 2023 is national quilting day and the perfect day to celebrate the impact that the Oak Knoll quilting group has had through the years.

Our quilting group meets every Wednesday morning to sew and assemble quilts to be donated to our ministry partner Lutheran World Relief for those in need around the world. Donated quilts are a great way for us to love others around the world by making their days brighter, softer, and more comfortable in the midst of chronic poverty illness, natural disaster, and conflict.

If you are interested in joining the Oak Knoll quilting group, please contact the office staff at or contact Lesa Blaser at



Oak Knoll Lutheran Church

600 Hopkins Crossroad, Minnetonka, MN 55305   

Church Office: 952-546-5433 

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