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CYF Faith Formation Update

Writer's picture: Oak Knoll Lutheran ChurchOak Knoll Lutheran Church

Written by Christina Black, Children, Youth, & Family Ministry Director

Getting to Know Each Other


This month’s Dinner and Family Night was spent learning more about characters in the Bible, including Anna and Simeon. We also learned more about each other with a balloon popping game.

Balloons and Breakout


The January youth night was full of balloons and New Year’s resolutions followed by a slightly confusing Jesus Parables breakout game. Still, we had fun enjoying dinner and the evening together.

Save the Dates!

Parents' Night Out: March 8th


Parents, mark your calendars for a night out. The youth are once again holding a Parents’ Night Out where you can drop your kids off for an evening of fun. The event will be staffed by older youth attending the ELCA Youth Gathering in New Orleans this coming summer and their parents. Watch for a sign-up to come soon.


VBS: June 24-27th


Vacation Bible School will be held June 24-27th, 9:30-noon. All children ages Pre-K – 5th grade are invited (must be potty trained). We will be diving deep into friendship with God. Watch for registration to come out soon. If you have questions in the meantime, reach out to Christina Black.

Upcoming CYF Events

Second Grade Bible Milestone —February 4th

The second Bible class for our second graders will be February 4th at 10:45am. They will receive their Bibles during worship service on February 11th. If you have questions, reach out to Christina Black. All second graders are invited to participate in this milestone.

Sunday School/Confirmation Dinner & Family Night—February 7th at 6pm

All Sunday school children and their families are invited to join the confirmation youth and their families for a meal in Fellowship Hall. Following dinner, confirmation students will resume their regular confirmation schedule, and Sunday school youth and families will be invited to join in a special activity. We hope these evenings will offer a chance for families to get to know each other and build a greater community. Sign up to attend!


Youth Event—Sunday, February 18th at 6:30pm

All confirmation and high school youth are invited to the February youth night. This month we will be spreading the love through some hands-on giving activities, as well as the usual meal and hanging out. Sign up now!


4th and 5th Grade Faith Milestone – February 25th

Our 4th and 5th graders will help lead worship service on February 25th as part of their faith milestone journey.


3rd Grade First Communion Milestone Class—February 25th

All third graders are invited to participate in their first communion as part of their faith journey. As part of the preparation, we will be holding classes on February 25th and March 3rd at 10:45am. Third graders and their parents should plan to attend both classes. 



Oak Knoll Lutheran Church

600 Hopkins Crossroad, Minnetonka, MN 55305   

Church Office: 952-546-5433 

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