Greetings, Oak Knoll Church members and friends! As this is written, we have just finished watching a terrific Children’s Christmas program. Hats off to all who were part of the planning and to all who participated!
The council met on December 5th and several items were covered. Regarding Old Business, the lighting improvements are still in process while we await additional bids. This will improve not only the live attended services, but also the ones enjoyed via streaming. Our Memorial Fund remains strong and may be needed in addressing the need to replace another section of our church roof. This year the section over the Preschool area of the building was replaced and has worked well.
The Generosity Committee reported that our pledged offering campaign has been a success! Many thanks go out to the families that have increased their pledge amounts and those who have been able to keep their current amounts. Because of this, we have met our goal set by the committee.
Erika reported that the Nominating Committee is working on filling positions in both Council and Memorials Committee for 2024.
For New Business, Pastor Jay reported that four couples have volunteered to support a refugee family for 2024. LSS will be offering a training program for the couples to familiarize them with the responsibilities for this great opportunity.
The Advent soup suppers before the Wednesday service have been very successful! Thanks to all the groups that stepped up to create great soups and grilled cheese meals!
Our annual meeting will be on January 28th, and the council will meet before that time to discuss items on the agenda for that meeting.
For Pastor’s Reports, Pastor Michele reported on our annual Breakfast with Santa event. Also, the Pew Sisters Bible Group is enjoying record numbers of participants, along with a popular email Bible Study Group as well.
Pastor Jay reported the Plymouth Youth Christmas shopping event is an exciting yearly event for many families. The Preschool Christmas program was on the 15th of December, the Hmong New Year’s program was on the 16th of December, and the Oak Knoll Children’s Christmas Program was on the 17th during Sunday worship. Men’s Bible Study group has been going well, meeting the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sundays (when there is one) of each month. He also announced that former Intern Ben has accepted a call at Parkers Prairie Church! His ordination will be December 30th. Lastly, Oak Knoll has been selected to host the next Ministerium event on January 25th, for the Minneapolis Area Synod of the ELCA.
Vicar Bryce reported that an upcoming Youth Night will test some of the elements he is working on for his internship project. He will focus on what is impactful for our church youth.
Lastly, I want to thank the council members, the staff, and the members of the Oak Knoll family! During this Holiday time, and all year, the Community of Oak Knoll is a great family to be a part of. Happy Birthday, Jesus!
John Burman
Council President