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Council Update

Updated: 4 days ago

Greetings Oak Knoll members.

I am Marget Schmidtke, your new Congregational Council president. My husband David and I have been members of Oak Knoll since 2016. We love the worship and community we find here, as I know so many of you do!  I look forward to serving all of you this year  and am grateful for this opportunity.


Much of our first council meeting this year was spent getting to know each other and getting re-acquainted with Oak Knoll. We are fortunate to have several new members: Mike Mostrom, Jan Marshall, and Jeannine Cox are new to council this year, while Clay Haapala and David Hakensen are returning to serve after many years off council. They join an excellent group of returning members: Sean Weiser, Garrett Young, Liz Anema, Ben Larson, Fred Moore and Emily Heyne. We are truly going to have a great year at council! After introductions at our first meeting, Pastor Jay reviewed Oak Knoll’s mission, the church constitution and our Ministry Partnerships. It was a great way to start the year, centering ourselves in Oak Knoll’s roots and mission. On March 15th, some of us (myself included) will build on this knowledge, as we attend the Minneapolis Synod Tool Kit for church councils. 


As we look forward to the season of Lent, I hope to see many of you at our Lenten worships, and of course, at the soup suppers that precede worship. The church council will be serving soup supper on March 19th—please come and let us wait on you!

Again, thank you for opportunity to serve as president in 2025. We’re going to have a great year!



Marget Schmidtke




Oak Knoll Lutheran Church

600 Hopkins Crossroad, Minnetonka, MN 55305   

Church Office: 952-546-5433 

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