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Council Update

Writer's picture: Oak Knoll Lutheran ChurchOak Knoll Lutheran Church

Greetings Oak Knoll members and friends,


We head into this season of Advent and Christmas with much to be thankful for as a congregation.


We have a new roof completed over the Sunday school section of our church and a new oven that has been ordered and hopefully soon will be installed in the kitchen.


Our “Rooted in Generosity” theme and team has had a positive turn out of new and re-committed pledges by many. They will be reaching out to those we have not heard from and who we hope will continue their support of our goals to sustain and grow the roots of our Oak Knoll community. We are grateful for the many of you who continue to serve and give to our community!


We continue to look for volunteers for our Sunday services and appreciate those who have stepped forward to help. Our nominating committee will soon be reaching out for new members for our church council and other church committees. We are reviewing emergency plans for our building that we hope to approve in January, and we are continuing to look at solar panels as a possibility for our church roof in the future.

 Many of our church council members will be serving grilled cheese and soup on Wednesday, December 4th. We are looking forward to our neighborhood meal, Breakfast with Santa, on December 7th. We have approved the change in timing for our Christmas Eve services this year to 2pm and 4pm on December 24th.


We are grappling with the question of what it means to be a sanctuary denomination as an ELCA church, and what this means and what it does not mean. We are humbled and unsure and seeking answers in the months to come. You can learn more about this at


As the darkness and cold of the season settles in around us, may we be reminders to each other that we are the light and the warmth and community that one another needs. As we look to the birth of Jesus and the hope that God sent to us, let us pray for and be the hope and the light this Christmas and New Year.


Erika Vickerman


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