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Baptism is God's unconditional promise to us through Jesus Christ, of love, forgiveness and calling. In baptism, we receive a new name, "Child of God."


We celebrate the sacrament of Holy Baptism on the 2nd Sunday of each month in our 9:30am worship service. Those wishing to prepare for baptism will meet with one of the pastors to learn more about how baptism is the entry point into a life of discipleship. We as a faith family look forward to welcoming you or your child into our church community and to support you to live out your calling as a follower of Jesus.


To schedule a baptism, call our church office at (952) 546-5433 or send an email to

baptismal font

Oak Knoll Lutheran Church

600 Hopkins Crossroad, Minnetonka, MN 55305   


Church Office: 952-546-5433 


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